The Corrosion Medal is the Australasian Corrosion Association’s most prestigious award.

The Medal is awarded for outstanding scientific or technological work in the field of corrosion in Australasia. Meritorious contributions in Australasia to the mitigation of corrosion shall also be a basis for the award. The recipient does not necessarily have to be a member of the Australasian Corrosion Association. The Award does need to be given every year and there cannot be more than one Corrosion Medal given each year.  

The Corrosion Medal is determined by a joint decision between the CEO, the Australasian President, and the Branch Presidents. The final selection of the Medalist is the sole prerogative of the Council President. Nominations must be made to the CEO no later than 31 July.

Nominations close 31st July 2024

Before commencing your nomination, please consult the following guidelines.

For further clarification on the Corrosion Medal, please email


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