Members’ Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The Australasian Corrosion Association conducts its business and affairs in accordance with the highest standards of honesty, integrity, respect, and fairness. This includes when dealing with Members of the Association and staff of the Head Office. As such, the Association expects the same standards from its Members. To this end, all Members are required to be compliant with the Association’s Code of Conduct as provided hereunder. Further, Members are expected to maintain these standards when executing their educational activities and public interactions, to the proper regulation of all business practices as associated with the Association, and the promotion of the development of corrosion technology in public settings. Through Members’ adherence to the Code of Conduct, the Association provides support and advice where requested to facilitate the best practice of its Membership.

Members’ Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Association Interests

Members are anticipated to uphold and promote the integrity, dignity, and public profile of the Association. Members acknowledge that the Code of Ethics is to be adhered to both in spirit and in practice so that Members’ conduct is governed by the highest standards of professionalism and consistent ethical behaviour. Members can contact the Head Office for further clarification on these principles.

Professional Conduct

Members shall always exercise and promote the highest standards of professionalism and integrity when involved with and acting on behalf of the Association. This is inclusive of when dealing with other Members of the Association in both an informal and professional capacity.

Members shall not represent themselves to possess expertise, knowledge, or practical ability in corrosion or elsewhere on behalf of the Association or the broad corrosion industry if they have insufficient training, experience, or qualifications.

Members shall ensure that when they express opinions, impressions, or unverified claims on corrosion-related issues that they shall do so in an honest and as objective as feasible manner. Claims must be made on the condition of adequate knowledge and experience, and Members must be unequivocal in any shortfalls in their knowledge and experience when discussing matters relating to corrosion.

Members shall not use any event or forum of the ACA as an avenue to denigrate or seek to harm the reputation or business prospects of other members; however, this does not remove the moral obligation to expose unethical conduct where it may arise.

Members shall diligently and objectively apply their skill and knowledge in the interest of their employer or client.

Members shall not use events, forums, or any other representative instance of the Association to denigrate, defame, or by any other means impact in a negative manner the reputation or business prospects of other Members. This principle extends to impacting the social standing of other Members. Members are implored to behave based on proper moral obligation to expose any unethical conduct related to the corrosion industry, both within the Association and outside of its Membership.

Members shall diligently and objectively apply their skillset and knowledge in the interest of their employer or client. This is to be executed without bringing the Association into disrepute.

Conflict of Interest

Members shall avoid, or declare and manage, any conflict between their commercial interests and the interests and activities of the ACA.

Members involved in an ACA activity shall disclose any relevant commercial interests or conflicts and shall, if deemed necessary by themselves or their peers, disqualify themselves from involvement in ACA matters where such conflicts exist.

Legislative Compliance

ACA has a policy of strict compliance with all applicable laws and legislation.

No member should assume that the ACA’s interests ever require departure from this policy.

Where necessary, Members must declare any conflict of interest between their commercial interests and the activities of the Association. Whilst the commercial interests of a Member would not ordinarily impact their Membership within the Association, a Member that is part of a governing body may be in conflict and must declare as such to prevent actual or perceived concerns about a conflict of interest.

Members who are at risk of contravening the principles of the Association’s conflict of interest principles shall sign the Conflict of Interest agreement. This agreement indicates the framework and conditions that constitute a conflict of interest. This is to ensure fairness, impartiality, and transparency across the Association. This agreement gives Members the opportunity to disclose or excuse themselves when a potential conflict of interest arises. In these circumstances, Members can disqualify themselves to ensure nonpartisan governance on behalf of the Association.

The Association ensures that it takes all measures to comply with all laws and legislation in line with government regulation. No Member should ever assume that the Association will endorse or act on behalf of the Association in any manner that contravenes federal and state law and legislation.

No Member of the Association nor staff member of the Association’s Head Officer has the authority to authorise or condone any contravention of any federal or state law. If one were to do so, they would assume full responsibility and accountability for any transgressions caused.

The Association has internal procedures to ensure an impartial method of resolving any issues regarding Members and contravention of any of its codes. These procedures are detailed in the Association’s Bylaws. For any clarification on the process, email the Head Office at

Serious violations may result in suspension or permanent termination of Membership.

Procedure for dealing with Complaints or Violations

The ACA has a procedure for dealing with complaints about Members in relation to this Code, under which complaints may be made in writing to the Australasian President, any Branch President, or the Chief Executive Officer.

Complaints shall be investigated by a committee of three formed under the auspices of the ACA Council, consisting of the Australasian President, the relevant Branch President and the Chief Executive Officer. The complainant shall be advised in writing of the findings.

Serious violations of this Code shall be cause for suspension or termination of membership.


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