Surface engineering is a sub-discipline of material science with applications in many industries including mining, oil & gas, steel, agriculture, automotive, etc.  If a material degrades over time, it always starts from the surface as a result of interaction with the environment, causing wear and corrosion. Surface engineering processes in combination with smart material choices can significantly extend a components service life. Thus, saving resources, time and money.


Dr Thomas Schläfer (LaserBond Ltd)

Thomas is a materials and process expert out of Germany who leads our R&D department. He achieved his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at the Surface Engineering Institute of RWTH Aachen University, Germany, which is one of the leading research institutes for coating materials and processes. He has extensive experience and knowledge of materials and coating processes, and technical skills related to laser cladding, application oriented coatings development, materials development, and materials and composites analysis.

Professor Chris Berndt (Swinburne)

Distinguished Professor Chris Berndt joined Swinburne in early 2008 as the founding Professor of Surface Science and Interface Engineering. Professor Berndt’s professional responsibilities gravitate around the Thermal Spray Society of the ASM of which he has been a member since 1991. He was appointed as the Vice President of this society in 2000 and President in 2002. He was the Proceedings Editor for the Thermal Spray Conferences held in the USA from 1992-2003. He was inducted into the Thermal Spray Hall of Fame in 2007 and is editor/co-editor of 10 conference proceedings on thermal spray.

He is a member of some 13 professional societies in the materials, mechanical, manufacturing and biomedical fields and has more than 550 publications in the field of materials science and engineering. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institution of Engineers, a Fellow of ASM International, a Fellow of The Institution of Metallurgists (UK), and of ASME, ACS and ACerS. He is also a Chartered Engineer (UK), a Professional Engineer (Australia), and a Member of the College of Bioengineers (Australia).

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