There is a large trawler in the dock, and numerous refurbishment activities are taking place.
We will be Guided by Corey Platt of Marine Protection Systems, the Drydock manager .
Corey operates a Foundry where he makes Zinc and Aluminium anodes. He is also NZ’s only dedicated Specialist Marine Cathodic Protection Engineer. Other professionals in the corrosion prevention field will also be on site.
This site visit is a unique opportunity to see the Dry dock in action and chat with a range of experts. I would encourage participants to ask as many questions as possible. The visit would interest anyone involved in Asset integrity, Engineering, and Painting, particularly in marine conditions, which is pretty much all of NZ. It also has a lot of history, as much of the equipment still being used is original.
People who wish to attend should
- register with Grant Chamberlain, ACA NZ Branch President,, before 2pm on Monday the 4th Grant will supply the list of people to LPC security.
- Complete the LPC Port user’s induction
- Complete the drydock-specific induction
- On the day you will need
- Photo ID (drivers licence)
- Hard Hat
- High Vis
- Steel-capped boots
LPC takes their security and safety very seriously and if any of the above steps are not completed, you will be refused entry.
The site visit is on the 6th of November from 4-6pm. We will be meeting across the road on the car park area at 4pm. See map below. We will be walking in an escorted group so please don’t be late, as security won’t let you on site if you’re not escorted.
The number of attendees is limited, so please register early to avoid disappointment.
If you feel like chatting about what you have just seen the “Valley Inn Taven” is quite close.