On Friday 5th March 2021 approximately 40 corrosion enthusiasts attended the first social event for 2021 at Holey Moley – Northbridge for a fun-filled night of networking and mini-golf. The venue was a sea of colour with the room filled with smiles and chatter as pizzas were washed down with beverages of choice. It was a fantastic opportunity to get together again in a relaxed environment with our cohorts. Pleasing to see in attendance was one of our annual branch partners, new faces two of whom travelled from over 200km away to attend, along with members from our young corrosion group (YCG) and a great representation from the current and past committee members. Whilst no-one took home the yellow jacket on the night as the overall winner, the consensus was the evening was a success with many new friendships developed.

Check out these greats photos from this fantastic evening!


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