Improving integrity management, asset performance, and operation efficiency through innovation and digitization.
The ACA Oil & Gas Technical Group conducted a one-day seminar at the Stamford Plaza Hotel Brisbane QLD on Thursday 6 June 2019. It focused on

Digital Inspection and cost savings
The key approach was to address and highlight the value-added using digital inspection and speeding up the operator’s inspection routine with accuracy, reliability and the resultant cost-saving benefits.
The event was sponsored by AkzoNobel, Olympus, and Bellis and also SN Integrity as supporting sponsor. The event was organised by the ACA and chaired and technically coordinated by Dr Fikry Barouky of Anti Corrosion Technology.
Over 30 delegates were treated to eight technical presentations by professional speakers representing the Oil & Gas industry from both sides of the fence; as asset owners, operators, service providers, contractors and manufacturers.
Technical Presentations
Keith De Silva, Santos Senior Integrity Engineer, presented a case study of utilising UT thickness monitoring via the Cellular Network and other in house vibration monitoring methods and the practical lessons learned in using SMARTPIMS UT methods for data verification.
Nestor Sequera of SN Integrity presented new Ultrasonic Technologies for continuous internal corrosion monitoring focusing on pipeline both below and above ground. With Nestor’s long track record in non-destructive testing and integrity of static equipment, he explained the SN Integrity new approach of using digitalization remote methods and their cost-effectiveness to the operators.
Simon Duong, Senior Data Engineer at QGS Operations, and a member of the Royal Dutch Shell group of companies shared QGS’ Asset Integrity team’s journey in introducing the digitization for most of the inspection routine works conducted in the processing plants and pipelines in achieving a comprehensive and complete equipment records.
Addressing the common and the current hot topic in the industry ‘Corrosion under Insulation’ (CUI), Matthew Brown of AkzoNobel has shared his 50 years global track record and experience in the coating industry by presenting the advances and development of the high-heat coatings for reducing the risk of CUI.
Tom Weber from Trenton delivered a presentation on the field applied Wax Tape Coatings for the external buried pipeline corrosion protection, showing examples of more case studies as a cost-effective rehabilitation approach in real-time services. Tom made a good comparison between various systems which are available in the market.
A joint presentation was made by Maki Kamada (CPEng) as a wellhead corrosion engineer implementing erosion management solutions and processes, and Elise Cremonini of Shell who focussed on the choke valve erosion management. The joint presentation addressed current works in materials selection and corrosion control for existing and newly developed well sites in QGC.
‘Powerline Corrosion Detection’ was presented by Dr Margarita Vargas of ATTAR Group, who has vast experience in failure analysis and forensic engineering of the infrastructure in the Oil & Gas Industry. Margarita’s presentation focused on how to utilise a methodology to be applied on-site to inspect, assess and evaluate the integrity of the power lines and to monitor their condition and ensure serviceability.
The presentation of the ‘Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping’ delivered by Richard Nowak of Olympus, addressed the appropriate approach to utilise linear and sectional scanning to detect early corrosion activities, that can be a risk factor for most of the metallic equipment and pipelines. The event was concluded by an open forum between the speakers and the attendees. Thanks to all the participants, speakers, and sponsors for supporting this event.