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Technical Groups Updates
Check out all of our technical groups' latest updates here!
Meet Our Technical Groups
Applicators Technical Group
The Applicators Technical Group represent the needs of ACA Member specialist contractors in industries that serve the protection or restoration of corrosion affected structures throughout Australasia including New Zealand. These include companies and individuals in; concrete protection, applied concrete floor finishes, concrete repair, hazardous coating removal, surface preparation and coating application.
Cathodic Protection Technical Group
The Australian Electrolysis Committee was first formed in 1977, bringing together existing state electrolysis committees from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Over the years the Electrolysis Committee has run evolved to run biannual meetings, consisting of a full-day seminar and a forum at the ACA’s Corrosion and Prevention Conference. The mid-year meeting is the AEC’s main technical event and is scheduled as a full day meeting with presentations and active discussions about corrosion, cathodic protection, stray currents and any other issues affecting our industry. These mid-year meetings are generally held in different states from year to year to allow as many members as possible to attend.
In 2015, the ACA and the AEC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise and strengthen the ongoing relationship between the ACA and the AEC. In 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 87th meeting of the AEC moved online and saw over 100 attendees from Australasia and around the world tune in to celebrate the 43-year history of this group.
Coatings Technical Group
The ACA Coatings Group was founded in 1997 as the Protective Coatings Technical Group and it seeks to bring together like-minded individuals involved in surface preparation, coating application and asset preservation.
Some of the many ways that they have served the coatings community include by coordinating annual technical seminars and sponsoring the ‘Victor Nightingall Award’ to honour a coatings specialist who has made an outstanding contribution to the protective coatings industry in Australia and New Zealand.
Victor Nightingall Award
Concrete Technical Group
The Concrete Structures and Buildings Technical Group is made up of a group of dedicated Engineers, Asset Owners and Asset Operators who are industry leaders in corrosion engineering as it relates to reinforced concrete structures and buildings.
We aim to share and disseminate the latest best practice in terms of corrosion environments, build awareness of durability as a key component in the design of all structures and buildings involving reinforced concrete and promote sustainable solutions for concrete structures whilst ensuring durability outcomes are achieved.
Defence Technical Group
The ACA’s Defence Technical Group is still in its infancy.
If you’re interested in getting involved at this early stage, you can fill out this expression of interest form to let us know.
Oil, Gas & Energy Technical Group
The ACA Oil, Gas & Energy Technical Group (OG&E TG) covers material engineering and corrosion control activities, from design to decommissioning of plant and assets associated with but not limited to the following industries: oil & gas upstream and downstream operations, refining, distribution, petrochemical, and chemical processing including coal methane gas.
Water and Wastewater Technical Group
The ACA’s Water and Wastewater Technical Group acts to combat the impacts of corrosion on our water assets. They act to investigate, discuss, and protect our water infrastructure. Australia the driest inhabited continent on the world and amongst the highest consumers of water.
Amongst OECD nations, Australia consumes the fourth highest amount of water per capita. With an estimated annual cost of almost 1 billion AUD and increasing risks of water scarcity and potability, the Water and Wastewater Technical Group protects one of our most valuable assets.