Curtin Corrosion Centre

An expert network of Australia’s leading scientists in corrosion, engineering and computing is seeking industry partners to participate in a proposal to the Australian Research Council to establish the Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Corrosion Prevention.

The Industrial Transformation Training Centre (ITTC) for Corrosion Prevention aims to bring under a single umbrella expertise to investigate industry concerns related to corrosion, to provide solutions which contribute to life extension of assets, reduce through to mitigate corrosion for infrastructure, and reduce maintenance costs.

The ITTC, jointly funded by the Australian Research Council (Australian Government), will provide a unique opportunity to develop strategic and enduring partnerships between research organisations and industry to mitigate the ongoing impact and cost of corrosion on industry assets, community infrastructures and the Australian economy. The ARC will contribute a minimum of $650,000 p.a. to a maximum of $1 million p.a. for 4 years.

Industry partners who join the scheme will benefit from leveraged R&D funds with a co-contribution ratio between 1:1 (guaranteed) and 1:3 (targeted) based on the individual and combined financial commitment from all sponsors.

We seek contributions from industry partners at an optimal minimum of $150,000 p.a. (combined $100,000 cash and $50,000 in-kind contributions). The minimal amount an industry partner can invest is $50,000 p.a. (combined $35,000 cash and $15,000 in-kind contributions).

Sponsors of the ITTC upon nomination of representatives form a panel with the objective to prioritise research on the most beneficial needs approach. The ITTC aims to employ up to 6 post-doctoral fellows and 12 PhD students to investigate corrosion processes in the nominated themes of (1) corrosion under insulation, (2) microbiologically-influenced corrosion, (3) corrosion monitoring, (4) coatings and chemical inhibition and (5) materials selection and environmentally assisted cracking.
Expressions of interest to join the ITTC for Corrosion Prevention as soon as possible, but no later than November 2, 2018. The funding announcement is scheduled for Q3, 2019. No payments or contractual agreements are required prior to Q4, 2019.
Please refer to the following link for list of opportunities and benefits this scheme can offer to an individual industry partner

Download ITTC PDF

Dr. Katerina Lepkova, Curtin Corrosion Centre
phone: +61892667319, +61(0)415572391).


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