Expressions of Interest are sought for two positions from the ACA membership to join the existing ACA Education & Training Committee.

The objectives of the Committee are to ensure that the content of Education & Training courses delivered by the Association are consistent with the aims and objectives of the Association and to provide technically sound information and resources to meet the diverse interests of the membership and other persons interested in the science and technology of corrosion and corrosion control.

The Education & Training Committee structure is comprised of:

  • The Chair of the Committee who is a Director of the ACA and is appointed by the ACA Board
  • 4 ACA members approved by the ACA Board

All ET&C members shall serve for a term of three years with an option for up to a further two years as approved by the ACA Board. Further requests for extensions to remain on the ET&C committee (above and beyond the 5-year period) may be granted by the ACA Board at their discretion.

E&TC shall meet at least quarterly (four times per year including at the annual conference) The Committee will meet face to face at the annual conference and by teleconference and/or face to face at other times.

The duties of the Committee include:

  • Assist ACA to achieve the objectives that relate to training set out in its strategic plan
  • E&TC shall ensure that existing training courses and requests for new course development are free of conflict of interest and technically sound
  • E&TC shall review and recommend proposals for new training courses
  • E&TC shall ensure existing course content is reviewed annually
  • E&TC will advise and recommend to ACA staff the criteria for attaining and maintaining ACA lecturer status. ACA staff will manage the lecturer application, approval, and advancement processes and procedures, and will seek consultation from E&TC when necessary
  • E&TC will work with staff to develop policies, agreements and other documentation required to support Education & Training. All policies and agreements will be reviewed biennially
  • E&TC shall advise the ACA Board of activities within its assigned areas of responsibility
  • E&TC will implement reporting requests made by the Board to E&TC and will forward all reports and requests to the Board through the E&TC Chair
  • Administer the ACA Certification Scheme, review procedure, requirements, and applications for Corrosion Technicians and Technologists

Complete the Expression of Interest Form below and submit with supporting information via e-mail to Richard Reilly at  by close of business Friday 26th of April


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