Sydney Opera House | Severely Corroded
An April 1st Joke. It is not true
31st March 2019An April 1st Joke. It is not true
31st March 2019A key way of minimising corrosion is to design for durability and employ the most appropriate technologies and prevention techniques.
16th May 2017Owners and operators of high-value assets need to understand the cost implications of ignoring the effects of corrosion that poses a threat to all infrastructure through the degradation of structures...
2nd April 2017Monitoring the impact of corrosion on subsea pipelines and offshore structures is a critical aspect of ensuring pipeline integrity. A key way of minimising corrosion is to employ the most...
7th March 2017As the global economy continues to grow the markets for petroleum products continue to expand. To meet increasing demand, more and more oil and gas infrastructure is being built. Corrosion...
1st March 2017Too often we as engineers and managers of critical infrastructure focus on the technical details in a bid to control corrosion. We focus on the design and the performance of...
21st February 2017Corrosion of the reinforcing steel in concrete is a worldwide problem that causes a range of economic, aesthetic and utilisation issues. However, if corrosion effects are considered in the design...
21st February 2017The economic impact of corrosion and it’s degradation of infrastructure and assets is estimated to be 3 to 5 per cent of GDP each year. This represents an annual cost...
21st February 2017Corrie Cooke featured in Water NZ, July – Aug issue pp 27-29 Risk-based inspection plans are increasingly accepted in organisations who understand the importance of extending the life of high-value...
8th November 2016The nature of today’s working environment is changing as budgets become more constrained and the political landscape transforms around the world. Whatever the economy or politics of a country, corrosion...
8th September 2016