Company: Port of Newcastle
Position: Infrastructure Engineer

What does your role entail and what does your company do?

I am a member of the Infrastructure Services team at Port of Newcastle (PON). I manage the marine assets, which comprise wharves, jetties, breakwaters and seawalls. I also assist with shipping and infrastructure investigations for future developments, with an emphasis on channel performance and associated vessel transit and mooring requirements. I provide and manage an asset management program to ensure our marine infrastructure is serviceable and safe.

PON is one of Australia’s largest ports by throughput tonnages and the world’s largest coal export port. PON leases and maintains the shipping channel. It also leases approximately 780 hectares of adjoining land and provides infrastructure to support the supply chain interface for the movement of cargo throughout NSW.

What has been your favourite corrosion project that you have worked on and why?

My favourite corrosion project is regaining control and building a good knowledge base about PON’s Impressed Current Cathodic Protection systems. Also being involved in the annual inspections of the cathodic protection systems both impressed current and galvanic, is a highlight. It allows me to get in the field, on both land and water to reacquaint with the physical infrastructure. Most satisfying is each year shows system performance improvements that have been as a result of good asset management and thorough inspections from a dedicated team.


What are the important corrosion related issues facing industry/your business today?

  1. Prevention of reinforcement corrosion in concrete wharf decks and piles using impressed current cathodic protection;
  2. Prevention of corrosion of submerged steel structures in a tidal environment and known accelerated low water corrosion activity;
  3. Management of cathodic protections systems, both impressed current and galvanic, both old and new, and ensuring good workmanship and maintenance of the system;
  4. Working on structures in an active operational and tidal environment; and
  5. Improving my understanding about corrosion each year to better plan for the manage our marine assets.


Why are you a member of the ACA?


To keep abreast of corrosion issues facing the Marine Industry. This provides me with comfort that PON has access to the most current industry practices and research and ensures we have the most up to date understanding of expected behaviours of corroding structures in our corrosive environment.

The ACA has a comprehensive knowledge base and should be commended for their efforts to share broad and varied information, including case studies similar to what we see within the Port of Newcastle.


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