Webinar – Galvanic Corrosion in Water and Wastewater Structures
1st July 2024ACA Annual Report 2023
The ACA has now released its 2023 Annual Report. The brochure compiles the highlights of the hard work the team has done across its efforts in Training, Membership, Technical Groups, Branch Events, Conference, and more. Throughout 2023, ACA has shown resilience and dedication in delivering outstanding results for its membership. We successfully implemented new business systems that significantly improved our operations and efficiency, setting the stage for continued growth and performance improvements.
12th June 2024Conference 2024 – Call for Awards
Put your best foot forward for who you believe should be the esteemed recipient of the following awards.
19th April 2024Failed Industrial Dam Pump Impellers
Two (2) first stage impellers removed from high flow pumps operating in a waste management industrial dam that exhibited reduced pumping capacity, were investigated to determine the likely cause of the observed decrease in efficiency.
8th March 2024Quorum-sensing Driven Inhibitors For Mitigating Microbial Influenced Corrosion
To understand the processes causing surfaces biofouling and MIC, it is crucial to take in consideration the basics of biofilm formation and development.
8th March 2024Use Of Molecular Microbiology Methods (Mmm) For Biocide Efficacy And Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (Mic) Risk Assessment At A Conventional Oil Recovery Site
Many microorganisms present in oil and gas systems are known to participate in microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), including sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP), sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and methanogens.
5th March 2024Design And Maintenance To Prevent Mic Of Steel Fire Service Pipe Systems
Fire protection systems are used as a safety feature in many industries. They are found in...
9th February 2024Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, And Big Data For Corrosion Control – Quo Vadis?
The current era has seen amazing, paradigm shifting scientific developments. We now know that the size of small molecule and materials spaces is for all practical purposes, infinite...
8th February 2024An Overview And Discussion On Challenges And Future Perspectives Of Corrosion Engineering In The Emerging Renewable Energy Age
2nd February 2024Concrete Impressed Current Cathodic Protection In A Black Rust Environment
Cathodic protection has been a widely used technique to control corrosion of steel...
2nd February 2024Silicosis And Worker Safety In Surface Preparation Abrasive Choice
The "new asbestosis" theme is at fever pitch on social and professional work platforms -instigated by some for discerning interests, the risk of operator terminal illness caused from silicosis by cut stone and gem stone, is front of mind.
25th January 2024Advances In Insulation Coatings
One definition of sustainability is “the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance”.
19th January 2024Sustainable Long-Term Repair Of Reinforced Concrete Structures
As an alternative to the unsustainable practice of demolition and replacement, a viable option is to repair and protect the severely deteriorated structure utilizing galvanic encasements or jackets that both structurally upgrade and cathodically protect the structure.
11th January 2024Vale Mike Rutherford
Vale Mike Rutherford! On behalf of Mikes wife Donna, we are saddened to announce the passing of Mr Mike Rutherford yesterday, in Brisbane.
13th December 2023