Nick Doblo
APA Group
What does your role entail and what does your company do?
I am the corrosion engineer responsible for the cathodic protection systems on APAs QLD transmission pipelines. This entails operations support engineering, asset maintenance, cathodic protection design, onsite installation and commissioning of some of the biggest onshore CP systems in Australia.
APA is Australia’s largest pipeline owner operating a grid of interconnected pipelines on both the east and west coasts of Australia.
What has been your favourite corrosion project that you have worked on and why?
My favourite project is the maintenance of the Roma to Brisbane Pipeline CP system. This pipeline has (to my knowledge) the biggest pipeline CP system in Australia. This means it’s also one of the biggest experiments on how to cost effectively supply cathodic protection in Australia!
Through careful design work, we can apply cathodic protection using CP unit and anode beds larger than any others being used in Australia. This saves on costs and landholder disturbance versus more frequent, smaller, units.
What are the important corrosion related issues facing industry/your business today?
Land access for anode beds is much harder now than it used to be. Landholders upset by some of the QLD CSG activities are less accommodating and access is now registered on the title rather than done with a handshake and a few cases of beer.
Urban encroachment around a lot of our older pipeline networks also creates challenges. There have been a number of anode beds moved due to people wanting to build a house on top of them.
Why are you a member of the ACA?
Being involved and active within the ACA has been an important part in my career. My first job after Uni was the result of a Branch sponsored YCG event. I also believe being involved with the QLD committee and knowing people within the ACA was helpful in securing my current position.
Outside of employment, the ACA also provides significant opportunities for both technical development and professional growth. I have used information from Branch technical events and national conferences to deliver smarter solutions for my employers. Similarly, activity within Branch committees is a great way to work on leadership and teamwork skills.