Date: Thursday 21 March 2024
At: Hera House 17 – 19 Gladding Place, Manukau, Auckland


  • 5:00 Nibbles and drinks
  • 6:00 AGM
  • 6:30 Technical Presentation (Subject and Speaker TBA)

Special Resolution

Refer to attached Notice of Motion.

Proxies and Apologies

A Proxy form is attached. Please forward to the Secretary if unable to attend the AGM.


1. Opening
2. Minutes of Previous AGM held 23 March 2023 (available on request)
3. President’s Report
4. Financial Report
5. Announcement of Officers and Executive
6. Special Resolution: Consolidation of Regional Divisions into a single Branch
7. General Business
8. Closure

RSVP to Mark Sigley, Branch Secretary, at or Ph: 027 706 7739
Remote attendance will be available. Please contact the Secretary for details.

2024 ACANZ Branch AGM Notice


Speaker: Willie Mandeno

Title:  AS/NZS 2312.3:2025 Metal Spray Coatings

Abstract.  An update of the guidance document for the use of thermal spray coatings (TSC) as a protective coating for structural steel is nearing completion and is scheduled to be published early next year, if not before, as Part 3 of AS/NZS 2312.

Willie, who chairs the Standards Australia Working Group MT-014-001 revising this Guide, will review its contents, discuss what has changed since the 2002 Guide , and show examples of the use of TSC on NZ bridges.

Special Resolution

The Resolution is:
That the Regional Divisions (Canterbury, Wellington, Taranaki, and Auckland) be consolidated within the New Zealand Branch as a single operating entity.

The existing ACANZ Constitution allows for separate, regionally based, Divisions of the New Zealand Branch of the ACA to be established. The Branch committee voted to
disestablish the existing four Divisions, and have the ACANZ Branch membership be represented by the Branch committee only, and to put this resolution up for ratification by
the membership at the Branch AGM. The reasons for disestablishment of the Divisions are:
● Division bank accounts were consolidated into the Branch bank account several years ago
● Several Divisions have been unable to hold their AGMs
● Auckland and Wellington Divisions have, over the last few years, had difficulty in recruiting replacement committee members and organising technical events
● The active Division Committee members are, almost, all members of the Branch Committee
● Any regional social and technical events can continue to be organised by the relevant Branch Committee members and be financially supported by the ACANZ Branch, as has happened for the last few years.

Relevant Rules in the ACANZ Constitution

There is no rule covering the disestablishment of Divisions.
Rule 11 a) The [Branch] Committee may authorise the formation of Divisions within the Branch and draw up bylaws to govern the operation of these Divisions. The Committee
shall decide and publicise the areas within New Zealand from which the different Divisions shall draw their membership.

Rule 11 c) Any group of members desiring to set up a division shall present a request in writing to the Branch Committee. The request must indicate the area of New Zealand from
which the prospective Division would draw its membership and a list of members within that area. It should also present evidence showing the viability of the new Division. Copies
of this request must also be sent to the existing divisional committees who, in turn, shall send their comments on the proposed new Division to the Branch Secretary within 3
months of receipt of the proposal. The Branch Committee may invite further submissions on the proposal but shall decide within a further 3 months to approve or refuse the request.


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