The TAS Branch would like to extend a warm Christmas cheer and a happy New years to all branch members.
2018 saw a couple of successful events in the North of the state.

We will aim to bring 1 to 2 events each year in the Northern region.

The Christmas get together on the Egeria did not eventuate due to last minute changes and work commitments, however we did manage to get a booking at Jack Greene with very little notice. A small gathering enjoyed a few local beers and then some burgers and a great night was had by all. 

It is also a time to remind everyone this branch is small with a handful of dedicated committee members who volunteer a couple of hours a month. 

I would like to ask that going forward we can drum up a few additional committee members. Nominations will be taken in February at the AGM (notification will be sent out in the new year). With new members we can spread the load a little more and bring vigour to the branch with the aim of more events.

We would also welcome any new members.

Another area that we can use your support is for sponsorship. Some of you maybe in the position to have your employer sponsor some of these events. The sponsorship can be co-shared between a couple of sponsors or as a single sponsor. 

I look forward to seeing you all in 2019. – Mark Jones


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