What is the Golden Trowel Award?

The Golden Trowel Award was established in 2019 by the ACA’s Applicators Technical Group. The purpose of the award is to honor a concrete remediation and protection contractor for their meritorious and/or innovative performance in the field, or in recognition of significant contribution to their industry. Nominations are particularly encouraged from contractors and applicators either as a Company or individuals within Australasia and New Zealand.

What do you receive?

The Golden Trowel Award recipient is recognized by the industry at the annual ACA Conference Awards night and is included in the prestigious award honor role.

The recipient is given the right to display the award logo on digital and printed media.

Who has won the award previously?

Honour Role

Past recipients of the Rust Award are listed below:

2019 – Jamie Fenton, New South Wales

Get nominated!

We often know someone within our industry who goes about their work making significant contributions in training and mentoring others, using new methods and/or practices in job delivery, innovative application processes, a supervisor, foreman and/or controller on significant projects.


Nominations close 15th August each year.

Nominations received after 15th August will be considered for the following year.


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