The COVID-19 global health crisis has impacted all our lives to an extent not experienced this century. Our personal, family, social and vocational lives are all going through unprecedented change and the need for all of us to adapt and innovate has been forced upon us by one of the most significant market disruptions many of us have ever faced. While many of the challenges we face are universal, every industry, organisation and business is unique and the complications and opportunities that have arisen are varied. To explore how this crisis is affecting those within the corrosion mitigation industry, the ACA hosted an interactive webinar panel featuring a selection of guests speakers from different industry subsets representing Contractors, Asset Owners, Consultants, Coating Suppliers and Equipment Suppliers.

Oscar Duyvestyn – Principal Consultant Coatings & Advanced Materials (AECOM)
Matthew O’Keeffe – Regional Marketing Manager (AkzoNobel)
Kingsley Brown – Principal Material Engineer (SA Water)
Lawrence Smith – State Business Manager VIC (National Concrete Solutions)
Mirza Kozarcanin – National Sales & Marketing Manager (BlastOne)
Moderator: Justin Rigby – Chair ACA Coatings & ACA Applicator Technical Groups


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