In July 2019, the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA) held an international symposium, “Advances in Corrosion Science and Corrosion Engineering,” to celebrate the many contributions made to Australasian corrosion science and engineering by Bruce Hinton, Les Boulton, Brian Martin, Brian Kinsella, Greg Moore, and David Nicholas.

International Symposium Proceedings

The structure of the symposium, held in Melbourne, Australia, was geared to invite keynote papers and presentations from five international and nine Australian distinguished corrosion science and engineering researchers and practitioners in the fields to which those gentlemen have largely dedicated their life works, namely: corrosion inhibition, engineering alloys, corrosion-resistant alloys, corrosion modelling and prediction, cathodic protection, oil and gas corrosion, and water and wastewater corrosion. Some of those keynote papers included in the Symposium Proceedings have now been updated and amended for publication in a special issue of CORROSION, the Journal of Science and Engineering (Volume 76, Issue 5, May 2020).

Thanks to Bruce Hinton, Brian Kinsella and Technical Chair of the International Symposium Committee Warren Green, who featured as guest editors for this issue, for all their work in making this endeavour a reality.


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