Corrosion & Prevention 2021 Conference
Corrosion & Prevention 2021 invites technical papers on all subjects related to corrosion. The conference will bring together industry practitioners who combat corrosion on a daily basis and researchers working in corrosion-related fields.
Diverse technical streams will showcase the latest developments in corrosion prevention and management especially relating to asset management, corrosion monitoring, corrosion science, and engineering.
Papers from University, Government, and Private Enterprise research organisations and manufacturers related to the Streams below are most welcome. If accepted they will be incorporated for presentation into those Streams.
Case Studies
An important method of communicating developments in corrosion prevention and management is through the presentation of case studies.
To be accepted into the Conference Technical Program, case studies must clearly set out the nature of the problem, the solution to the problem, and methods employed to prevent similar problems in the future. We invite submissions from organisations involved in corrosion mitigation design and remediation work such as consultancies and contractual companies to contribute their experience and gained knowledge from work in the field.
Oil & Gas
- Internal & External Corrosion
- Cathodic Protection
- Refinery Issue
- Marine Infrastructure
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
- Mechanisms
- MIC in various Industries & Environments
- Assessment, Monitoring & Mitigation
- MIC Management
- Concrete Deterioration
- Reinforcement Corrosion
- Concrete Coatings & Repair
- Cathodic Protection of Reinforcement
Steel Corrosion
- Coating of Steel Structures
- Cathodic Protection of Steel Structure
- Steel in a Marine Environment
Water Infrastructure
- Pipe corrosion and Condition Assessment
- Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Corrosion