On the 31st of August 2017, we hosted the joint Australasian Corrosion Association and Asset Management Council seminar in Sydney.

The high calibre of presenters and the depth of knowledge provided the audience relevant case studies in Asset Management and the underlying processes for managing corrosion.

During the seminar, it was unanimously agreed that:

  • Organisations need to consider all stakeholders, not just the end customer.
  • A whole of life perspective is important but many organisations are challenged with cost recovery and sometimes the lines between urgent and important are blurred.
  • During tenders, a greater appreciation of coating standards can save organisations $$$ in the longer term and often at no additional cost in the early stages of a project.
  • Data quality is important but without domain, knowledge context can be lost resulting in poor decisions. (reactive vs. responsive)
  • Knowledge transfer is key to organisation growth but we are often challenged with contractor models geared to quantity ahead of quality
  • Function Failures get the attention of stakeholders but Condition Failures (i.e. Corrosion) is a slow moving failure that is often ignored until it is too late!
  • Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) go hand in hand. Having one without the other can have dire consequences (cost and safety).
  • The concept of Asset Management maturity was expressed in how organisations approach Maintenance…”Corrective (unplanned), Preventative (planned), Predictive (anticipated).
  • Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)  is a sound approach for any organisation based on a set of simple questions. This proven approach is industry neutral.
  • ISO5500x provides the principles & structure to build sustainable outcomes for stakeholders. ISO55001 in promotes transparency and visibility for decisions made across an asset lifecycle.
  • and…..”Decisions made yesteryear can help or hinder us today…”


On behalf of the Australasian Corrosion Association and Asset Management Council of Australia, we would like to thank the presenters, our attendees, the event sponsors (Galvanizes Association of Australia and International Paint) and we look forward to furthering industry events in the quest to share knowledge.



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