The printed version of the Corrosion & Materials Journal has been ‘Opt-In’ only, now for over 12 months for all members and non members.
If you would like a print copy of Corrosion & Materials as a member, you must Log In to renew your free C&M 2020 Journal subscription.
Here’s How!
If you are a member please log in to renew your free print Journal subscription. This will zero out the cost of the journal.
Buy a Subscription
If you are happy to read the Journal online you don’t have to do anything.
You are logged in to the ACA website. Please go through to the shopping cart
- Add to cart
- Add or review your cart
- Proceed to checkout and update your address details
- Place your order
- You have now renewed your subscription for 2020
We will then send you, your year’s supply (four issues) of the 2020 Corrosion & Materials Journal.
Oops. Your membership has expired.
Please contact the office or renew your membership on-line
The February and November 2020 Issues will still contain the Corrosion & Prevention Conference and Exhibition details (review and program details).
The advertising in Corrosion & Materials will remain the same, with no price increase for 2020. For more information contact Tracey Winn