As rust-geeks one of our shared interests in life is taking a good old photo of corrosion.
You know what I’m talking about, it’s when you’re on a holiday in Paris and you’re holding up your travel companions trying to assess and document the quality of the coating on the Eiffel tower. Or it’s when you can’t help but take a photo on that stroll along the beach where you notice someone has used galvanised bolts to hold down a stainless steel structure (who still does this?!). Or when you see the most extraordinary amount of concrete spalling you’ve ever witnessed and you just need to document the evidence to share with you colleagues at the ACA. Sometimes it’s when you see something quite eerily beautiful, like a long-abandoned piece of metal rusting and returning to the earth in the same form it was once extracted as an ore, and you wanted to capture the moment.
That’s what this photo competition is for. For us all to connect and share our most prized corrosion photos that we have taken on our journeys in life. What will yours be? Is there a picture you’ve taken that springs to mind straight away? Rustle it up and submit now!
Submissions are now closed.
How The Competition Works
There are four categories to submit a photo under:
Concrete Corrosion
Marine Corrosion
Pipeline Corrosion
Other Corrosion
Photo Submissions
Submissions are limited to ACA Members, so make sure to log in to access the submission form.
You can submit only one photo per category so make sure to submit your best snap.
Photo Submissions will be open fromMonday 6th September – Sunday 19th September.
Once the submissions have closed, we will move on to selecting our winners.
Winner Selection
Winners are selected by popular vote, which is open to all, but you can only vote once per category, so make sure you’ve looked through all the submissions for each category before you pick your favourite.
A winner in each category will be selected as well as a ‘best in show’ winner.
Voting will run from the 20th of September – 26th of September.
Winners will be announced via an event at 5pm on the 29th of September.
Each winner will receive a mounted canvas print of their winning photo.
Photo Submission Window: Monday 6th September – Sunday 19th September.
Voting Window: 20th of September – 26th September
Winners Announced: 29th of September.
Our Featured Competition Partner
The coordinators of this Competition, The ACA VIC Branch would like to thank our Featured Competition Partner for their support.
Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd is a subsidiary of Winn & Coales International, a leading manufacturer of anti-corrosion coatings that include Protal liquid epoxies, Denso petrolatum tapes, mastics, bitumen tapes, butyl tapes, hot applied tapes, and a full line of marine pile protection systems.
Submissions are now closed.
So there you have it! Submit your best photos, and if you don’t have any get out (albeit locally for most of us) and take some snaps!
And come back on the 20th of September to vote for your favourite photo in each category.