ACA Home Training Training Frequently Asked Questions AMPP Craftworker Series FAQ
AMPP Craftworker Series FAQ
C6, C7 & C12 Frequently Asked Questions
What is the AMPP Craftwork Series C6, C7 & C12?
This is a series of certifications for blasting and painting professionals to certify their skill and knowledge. The ACA offers three of these as a package over 6days or in a set of at least two over 5 days.
C6 Surface Preparation Paint Application
C7 Abrasive Blaster
C12 Spray Application
For further information see the course description page AMPP Craftworker Series: C6, C7, C12
Can I still take CWS training having not met the prerequisites?
Short Answer: Yes, but you must have close to the requirement. You will receive a letter of completing 16hrs of training and have a year to complete the prerequisite hours to become certified.
Long Answer:
C6 Surface Preparation Paint Application
Without the 150 hours of surface prep and paint experience you may take the training and exams but not be certified. You will be sent a letter after the training stating you took 16 hours of C6 Surface Preparation Paint Application training. If the experience is reached within a year of the course certification can then be applied for.
C7 Abrasive Blaster
Without the 800 hours of abrasive blasting experience you may take the training and exams but not be certified. You will be sent a letter after the training stating you took 16 hours of C7 Abrasive Blaster training. If the experience is reached within a year of the course certification can then be applied for.
C12 Spray Application
Without the 800 hours of spraying experience you may take the training and exams but not be certified. You will be sent a letter after the training stating you took 16 hours of C12 Spray Application training. If the experience is reached within a year of the course, certification can then be applied for.
If the student without the experience passed the C12 test, they would be allowed to submit a new experience form in the future (i.e., after they get the required hours of experience). This new experience form must be submitted within 1 year of the class date.
Once we receive this letter they would then take a C12 online written exam. If they pass the exam with an 85% they will then be issued a wallet card from the date the exam was graded. The fee to take the exam is $250 for AMPP Members and $350 for non-members.
Before they have the C12 Certification, the student would not be considered airless spray certified, but would be allowed to work under supervision of an individual with a C12 certification to gain the required experience.
If they take the C12 Training and fails the exam, they would have to retake the class.
Who is entitled to member registrations rates for CWS Training?
If you are an ACA or AMPP member you may register for any CWS training course at the member rate. If you are not a member, you may either register at the non-member rate or sign up to become a member – you can sign up to become an ACA member here.
What do I need to bring to CWS training?
You will need to wear steal cap work boots and workshop safety gear as this is practical hands-on training. All students must listen to the instructors and follow their instructions.
A note pad and pen doesn’t go astray.
A good attitude and willingness to learn is very important.
What are the requirements for achieving C6, C7 and C12 certification?
Successful completion of the training and prerequisite requirements.
Successful completion of the Ethics for the Corrosion Professional course or an equivalent training course.
C6 Surface Preparation Paint Application 150 hours of surface prep and paint experience.
C7 Abrasive Blaster 800 hours of abrasive blasting experience.
C12 Spray Application 800 hours of documented spraying experience.
What happens if I do not pass my CWS assessment?
If you are unsuccessful in your assessment, you will need to resit the full course to gain your accreditation. You will be provided with a 20% discount that you can use to register for a new course.
How do I find my CWS results?
All AMPP students will have access to their results, details and certification through My Certification Portal – AMPP.