
Founded in 2017, by the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA), and bound by the Associations Constitution, the Applicators Technical Group (ATG) mission is:

To represent the needs of ACA Member specialist contractors in industries that serve the protection or restoration of corrosion affected structures throughout Australasia including New Zealand. These include companies and individuals in; concrete protection, applied concrete floor finishes, concrete repair, hazardous coating removal, surface preparation and coating application.

Closes November 30th 2020


In 2015 Contractors made up 30% of the Australasian Corrosion Associations (ACA) membership. The ACA wants to keep engaged with this membership sector and encourages interested participants to advance the interests of Contractors and applicators.

Who should get involved

Nominations are particularly encouraged from applicator companies and applicator trades staff, engaged in; building and concrete repair, site-based coating applicators, abrasive blast yards, industrial flooring, water jetting, laser ablation and other specialist industrial services.


Committee members are expected to have availability to;

  1. Attend a minimum;
    8 teleconferences per year
    2 ACA branch events per year
  2. We will hold a general meeting twice per year and encourage members to attend at least 1 per year, being;
    Preceding the Corrosion and Prevention Conference, ATG Forum (November).
    Preceding the Coatings TG annual event (Mid year).
  3. Provide;
    Approximately 60hrs development and implementation work per year including some administrative works.
  4. Develop;
    Presenters for seminars, Sponsors for events, and promote our social media platforms.

Nominations remain open throughout the year and reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Closes November 30th 2020


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