Coatings and Applicators Groups – Annual Award Nominations

Applications are now open for three of our Association's Major Awards - The Victor Nightingall Award, coordinated by our Protective Coatings Technical Groups, and The Rust Award and The Golden Trowel Award offered by our Applicators Technical Group. These awards will be presented at our Annual Corrosion and Prevention Conference, taking place in Newcastle for 2021. We encourage anyone who is interested in submitting a nomination to view further details here.

ACA Applicators Technical Group 2020 Summary

The ACA Applicators Technical Group (ATG) was formed to represent the needs of specialist contractors in industries that serve the protection or restoration of corrosion affected structures throughout Australasia including New Zealand. These include companies and individuals in; concrete remediation and protection, applied concrete floor finishes, surface preparation and protective coating of steel and hazardous coating removal. The ATG, aligned with many other associations and technical groups, has been severely impacted by the restrictions imposed on our members with the cancellation of conferences, seminars and training courses. The ATG has proposed revised outcomes for 2020 and 2021 are as follows:


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