The Call for Awards is out and we’re looking for your nomination.

With the Corrosion & Prevention 2024 Conference coming up quickly in November of this year, it’s time to recognise those who push out industry forward and put it on the sustainability map.

Put your best foot forward for who you believe should be the esteemed recipient of the following awards.

              Corrosion Medal

              Established as the most prestigious award given out by the ACA, a recipient of the Corrosion Medal has demonstrated outstanding scientific or technical work in the field of corrosion in Australasia. This Medal is the highest honour a Member can receive from the ACA and is an indication of industry status and best practice. If you believe a Member has excelled beyond the norm in corrosion, put their name up for this nomination.

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              National YCG Award

              Established as a means of honouring the youth component of the ACA, this award is a nod to our emerging corrosion experts and enthusiasts in the industry. The National YCG Award can be given to any Member under the age of 35 who has made a notable and significant contribution towards the ACA and the broader field of corrosion in the last year.

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              Life Membership

              Established as a means of recognising longstanding Branch Membership loyalty and contribution. The person who receives this award must have been part of a Branch, Council, or Committee for an extended period of time. If you know of someone notable for their tenure, nominate them for the Life Membership.

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              The Golden Trowel

              Established in 2019 by the Applicators Technical Group, this award is handed to a contractor for their contributions to the field of concrete remediation and protection. This nomination can be submitted for an individual or company. If you believe that someone has been exceptionally innovative in the field or contributed to the industry in a significant fashion, nominate them today!

              The Rust Award

              Established in 2013 by the Blast Cleaning & Coating Association, now a part of the Applicators Technical Group, this award is handed to a contractor who has had a meritorious or innovative performance in the field of protective coatings. This nomination can be submitted for an individual or company. If you know that contractor who has gone above and beyond for protecting coatings in the last year, propose them for this award so they receive the recognition they deserve.

              The Victor Nightingall Award

              Created by the Coatings Technical Group and named in honour of the Australian scientist and engineer who pioneered the inorganic zinc coating industry in the forties. This Award is given to a contractor who has been distinguished in the last year in the development, manufacturing, or application of protective coating or in who has acted in the advancement of the protective coatings industry. If you know that individual or company who exceeded in the field in the last twelve months, put their name out there so they can go into the running for this year’s award at Corrosion & Prevention 2023.

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              Arthur C Kennett Award

              The Arthur C Kennett Award is awarded annually to the best paper that deals specifically with the corrosion or degradation of non-metal materials such as polymers, polymeric coatings, composites, and concrete.

              Marshall Fordham Award

              The Marshall Fordham Research Paper Award is awarded annually to the best research paper either published in Corrosion & Materials or in the Annual ACA Conference Proceedings. 

              David Whitby Award

              The David Whitby Best Review Paper Award is awarded annually to the best reviewed paper either published in Corrosion & Materials or in the Annual ACA Conference Proceedings.

              Les Boulton Best Case Study Award

              The Les Boulton Best Case Study Award is for a paper describing a corrosion problem, possible causes and a solution for preventing the problem in future.  


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