CP Shielding and Corrosion Under Disbonded Coatings
Presenter Facundo Varela, also known as Bob, is a research fellow at the Institute for Frontier Materials at Deakin University. His completed PhD project focused on new electrochemical methods for monitoring localised corrosion under cathodic protection. As a research fellow, he is working on an Energy Pipeline CRC sponsored project aiming to perform field trials of the sensors developed during his PhD.
9th August 2021
ICCP Simulation of GACP System
Presenter Rajko Vukcevic is an independent CP researcher and innovator. He was involved in design and development of electronics systems and equipment for ICCP used in marine, concrete and pipeline applications, for 15+ years in Australia. He has 35+ years of electronics design experience in switch-mode power solutions. He invented the Current Multiplier based Power Distribution System for marine ICCP applications. He holds an M.S.(Elec Eng) degree from Belgrade University, Serbia and is a long-time a member of ACA.
9th August 2021
Remote Monitoring at SA Water
Presenter Ramon Salazar is a Senior Materials Engineer at South Australian Water Corporation. He has more than 25 years’ experience in the corrosion control field, focusing on cathodic protection, concrete degradation and non-metallic materials. He is currently the chairman of the South Australian Electrolysis Committee. He has an Engineering degree from Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela and is a chartered professional member of Engineers Australia. He is also NACE CP4 Cathodic Protection Specialist.
8th August 2021
AEC Welcome and Remote Earth and CP Designs
Presenter Dr Bruce Ackland is a Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Scientist, he obtained a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physics at Monash University in 1979 and a Doctor of Philosophy in 1984, also at Monash University in the Department of Materials Engineering. Bruce has worked in the corrosion and cathodic protection industry since 1982, forming Bruce Ackland and Associates in 1985. Cathodic protection projects have involved work throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Bruce maintains an active role as a member and chairman in Australian Standards committees; is the current Chairman of the Australian Electrolysis Committee and is an accredited ACA lecturer and Corrosion Technologist.
8th August 2021
Lab Investigation of Electrolysis Effects on a 164 Year Old Pipe
Presenter Candice Blackney is currently a Senior Engineer in Corrosion Management at Greater Western Water. She specialises in the cathodic protection of pipelines and has an interest in sewer corrosion too. She has been involved in the corrosion industry for exactly 11 years now, starting her journey in corrosion at Melbourne Water as a vacation student at the age of 19. The path into the corrosion industry was very clear for her and starting in high school where she was fascinated with redox reactions and how atoms interacted. She has a Bachelor of Engineering (Materials) from Monash University and also worked as a contractor, where she designed ICCP systems and managed water corrosion maintenance and minor capital contracts.
8th August 2021
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Pipelines and Possible CP Effects
Presenter Mike Yongjun Tan is a Professor in Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion Technologies at Deakin University in Australia. He is also a Research Program Leader of the Energy Pipelines Cooperative Research Centre. Dr Tan’s principal teaching and research interests are in corrosion science and engineering and their applications for enhancing the reliability and durability of civil and industrial infrastructures. He contributed to electrochemical methods for corrosion testing, monitoring and prediction and corrosion inhibitor and anti-corrosion coating research. He is author of some 150 publications and a book entitled “Heterogeneous Electrode Processes and Localised Corrosion”(2012 John Wiley & Sons).
5th August 2021
Revised NSWEC Guide for the Measurement of Electrolysis Corrosion Interference
Presenter Jim Hickey is the Electrolysis Engineering Officer at Ausgrid. Jim has over 36 years’ experience with Energy Authorities covering electrical testing, earthing design and assessment and electrolysis corrosion fields. Jim is also the Chairperson for the NSW Electrolysis Committee and is an active member of the Australian Electrolysis Committee and the Australasian Corrosion Association NSW and Newcastle Branches. As Ausgrid’s ACA accredited Corrosion Technologist, Jim is responsible for managing the electrolysis corrosion aspects of Ausgrid’s electrical network.
5th August 2021
Application Of Multi-Electrode Arrays To Improve The Understanding Of Corrosion Caused By Microbes And Deposits
Presenter E.M. Suarez is a Ph.D. candidate at Curtin Corrosion Centre (CCC), Curtin University. She is a Microbiologist with experience in Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC), Under-deposit Corrosion (UDC), corrosion inhibition, environmental biotechnology, oil and gas biotechnology and microbiology associated with bioremediation processes.
2nd August 2021
Cathodic Protection in Hazardous Areas
Cathodic protection by impressed current or galvanic methods are in common use for the protection of corrosion in steel structures such as pipes, tanks, wharves and bridges. Both methods of...
21st July 2021
Corrosion Challenges for Famous Structures
This webinar features speakers discussing some of the key challenges that corrosion can present and the methods that can be used to protect key structures. Organised by the ACA VIC Branch, discussions include the work undertaken to prevent the degradation of iconic Australian landmarks including Laser Cleaning using powerful ultrashort Pulse lasers of the Sydney Harbour Bridge from Dr. Ludovic Rapp (Laser Physics Centre - Australian National University and CP based Repair of the Sydney Opera House from Ian Godson (Infracorr).
4th July 2021
Cathodic Protection of Concrete Structures Q&A Webinar
The ACA NSW Branch hosted a unique Q&A webinar session on cathodic protection of steel-reinforced concrete structures, featuring six industry-leading guest speakers. Our guest panel discuss impressed current, hybrid, and sacrificial CP systems as well as some related topics submitted by the audience.
25th August 2020
Stray Traction Effects – Where’s The Problem?
During baseline corrosion interference testing associated with a new light rail project in Sydney NSW, significant stray traction current effects from existing traction systems were measured on the Energy Authority’s sub-transmission assets in Sydney CBD. This case study describes the actions taken to identify the corrosion risks and the events that led to resolving the electrolysis interference caused by defective rail safety devices located 20km away from the affected site.
5th June 2018
Hybrid CP Systems Save a NZ Bridge
For the first time in New Zealand a local operator has provided a state of the art hybrid corrosion protection system on concrete support piles under a major highway bridge...
29th June 2017